Never a shortage of entertainment available at Disneyland...
You got a little taste of our 1st day from an earlier post. Remember the women with the teddy bears? Oh man, that was epic (
not even sure that word even fits there, but I've been dying to use it. Did it sound cool?). I'd give anything to go back in time and get a picture of that for you. Great stuff. I will include a few pictures that have no significance to what I'm writing about, but that I just want to show you anyway...
Here's a picture of Tim and Mia, standing next to a statue of "their people". FYI: Tim is 1/5,467Choctaw. No, really, he is. Actually, it's way more than that. It's enough to be a card carrying tribe member.
One day I was having some sinus issues or something and I was
super-de-duper dizzy, and the girls wanted to ride the teacups. Fearing my staggering walk had already caught the eye of Disneyland security, I opted to wait while Tim took them. While I was standing there, this super cool guy walked up. Designer jeans. Flip flops. Tight shirt with muscles. Tall. Dark. Handsome. Seriously...he caught my eye, all right. Whoa. That cool breezy morning, got warm real fast. He was pushing a stroller and waiting for someone. I figured on the teacups, too. But pretty soon, this tall, blonde, beautiful girl walks out of the Mad Hatter store, up to super cool guy, carrying a baby boy. He's wearing his very first pair of Mickey Mouse ears, with his name on the back. His name was Stryker Ace. I mean, seriously. I was certain there was no cooler family in the universe. Not even Brad and Angelina (
whom I actually can't stand...). I was in awe of this super cool family and started wishing we could be just a little more like them. They were awesome. Picture perfect. Then...super cool guy opened his mouth...and I think he must have been channeling his late grandmother or something, because the weirdest, girliest voice came out of mouth. My dreams were shattered like a wine his freakishly, girly, high pitched voice.
Hey...did I tell you about taking Ella to the bathroom? Unlike last year, Ella didn't have any near misses, but by the smell of things, I'd guess someone did. Ella says, "Oh my gosh! What is that stench?" Stench? Really? My three year old (
ok, she's ALMOST 4) just used the word stench. After I stopped laughing, I took her in the stall and she just sits there. The woman in the next stall starts going (
you could hear it, ya know, duh), but Ella didn't. I said, "Aren't you going to go? You told me you had to go." She said, "I am going." I said, "No, you're not." She said, "Oh yeah, well who's that you hear peeing then?" Um...the lady next door.
I'm not a fan of taking outside food into the park. I figure if you want to experience Disneyland, you have to have the full experience, and that includes spending $500 a day on food. It's just not the same if you bring in your own. But that's just my opinion. One day we were sitting down eating our $50 corndogs and there is a cute little family at the table behind us. I honestly didn't pay that much attention, because they all seemed to be dressed appropiately, but I couldn't help but overhear, "Honey, what kind of bread would you like? And meat? I have turkey, salami, roast beef, ham? Do you want tomatoes and lettuce? The works?" This woman had a full blown Subway in her bag. She was like the Mary Poppins of sandwiches.
As we were sitting in the same spot, because we couldn't move after eating our super greasy $50 corndogs, we noticed the Lost Children/Baby Care Center was nearby. I took this picture...
See the kids at the door? Mia saw them and asked, "Mom, are the kids at the Lost Children place orphans?" Yes, honey. And they are the happiest orphans on earth.
So you know that Disneyland doesn't serve any alcohol, right? But California Adventure does. Muahahahahaha. Here's a question...if they're going to rent out strollers for $15 a day, why don't they attach a cup holder to it? Obviously, if you're having to push a stroller, you NEED cup holder. It's nearly impossible to push a stroller, try to take inconspicuious pictures, AND carry a margarita. I mean, not that I would know personally, or anything. I'm just guessing that it might be a little hard to do, if you're the kind of person that would do something like that.
This is me, after a maragrita. See...I'm smiling. I managed a margarita because Gracie was with me and I made her push the stroller. I. Am. Mother. Of. The. Year. Deal with it.
We saw a girl puking her guts out at CaliAdven. It was blue stuff. She was sitting on a bench with her boyfriend, leaning over the arm, barfing on the ground, while her boyfriend was texting. Such compassion he had. When she was done, they got up and walked...I mean staggered off. I'm pretty sure she was drunk, but I have to admit that I wasn't sure it was alcohol at first...until I went into the elecTRONica thing (
which is super cool, by the way) and saw the blue beverage they were serving. So, I did a little research and yep. It was alcohol. But why was she drunk? She didn't have any kids or anything. It's not like she needed alcohol to get through the day, (
not that I did, either, but you know...some people do).
"Mommy got a margarita, so it's only fair I got ice cream."
"And I could eat it from a mile away with this tongue."
I don't know what you're feeling about breastfeeding in public is, but I have a pretty strong opinion about it. I don't like it...unless I don't know you're doing it, then I could care less. But when I'm sitting on a bench, and you come plop yourself down, practically in my lap,whip out your boob and try to force feed your baby, who obviously isn't hungry, I might let you know I don't like it. I might not verbalize it, but you'll know. I might shoot daggers at you with my eyes. I might let out a big ol' "Are you freakin' kidding me? You're going to breastfeed your baby right here, right now?" sigh. I might even throw an elbow to your boob as I get up and stomp away. But one way or another, you'll get that I really don't like it. I don't want to cause all sorts of controversy with this, because I know "it's what's best for the baby..." and "it's the most natural way..." and "that's why God gave us breasts...", yada yada. But it doesn't mean it's ok to whip out your bare boob. I'm just sayin'....
We were walking along the sidewalk and this woman came flying around a blind intersection on a scooter and nearly took out 3 kids in the process. What is the deal with people on their scooters?!?! Seems like every group at the park these days just rents wheelchairs and scooters so they can get on the rides quicker. When we went on Pirates (
aaggghhhh!!!), there was a line out the door and into the street of handicapped riders and their families. Taking advantage, are we? Oh, but I do have a funny little story about a woman on a scooter. The family was walking along and there was a little girl about Mia's age prancing along. At some point she squealed and her Grandma, on the scooter, said, "When did you learn to sqeal like that?" And the little girl responds, without even thinking..."About the time you learned to drive that thing!" Ohmigosh...serious hilariousness (
sure that's not a word, but I like it anyway...).
Here are a few other quick things I witnessed on this trip:
I saw on old, old woman wearing a tag that said, "VIP dancer". Hum...
Tim saw a woman pushing 60 wearing a 1/2 shirt...with no cami underneath. He will never be the same.
I saw kids collecting all the coins out of a fountain and then their mom stopping go on a ride. They went on that ride with pockets full of change. And probably bought the entire family $50 corndogs for dinner.
At some point in your life, you need to stop going to Disney 365 at Downtown Disney and getting your hair done with corn rows, glitter and colored, fake strands of hair. Anywhere from the age of 10 and up, you look like an idiot.
I'm pretty sure I saw Walt Disney's MOTHER working at the Emporium. Seriously the oldest woman I've ever seen in my life and I'm guessing the only reason she was working there is because they felt obligated. I'm not even kidding when I say I think she was 125 years old if she was a day.
We really did have a great time, but not looking forward to going back right away...unless it's alone, with my camera....and someone to hold my corndog...and margarita.
P.S. OMGee...I almost forgot. ElecTRONica is soooooo awesome!!! They have Flynn's arcade full of all the great 80's video games, i.e. Donkey Kong, Frogger, Astroids (I think that's what it's called), etc. Then they have dance music outside and alcoholic drinks that have light up ice cubes in them. I'd like to go back with someone I won't embarass. Someone besides my 12 year old daughter and her friends.