Sunday, January 31, 2010

Facebook: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

I LOVE facebook. I think it's so fun and it's been so great to reconnect with people from the past and catch up with them daily with status updates. I love to update my status several times a day (ok, so I need therapy) and then run into someone at Target (because in Tulare, you see EVERYONE at Target), and them say, "You crack me up! I love your posts!" ( I like the attention! Sue me.) Facebook posts were actually the inspiration for this blog. My point is...I love almost everything about facebook...

Now, let me tell you what I don't love.
First of all, I hate that I'm addicted to the stupid game "fishville". Seriously...fishville?!?!? Something is wrong with that. Every time I get on facebook to "check in" I end up spending 45 minutes checking my virtual fish and cleaning my virtual tank and visiting my virtual neighbors and cleaning their virtual tanks. It's stupid. And one of these days I'm going to stop soon as I reach the highest level and obtain every award I can.
Second, I hate obscure posts. The ones that seem to pop up everyday since the whole bra color one. OMGee...seriously. I'm sorry, but that got completely out of control. The bra color one had a "purpose" but what did the hair style one or the fine one have to do with anything? Ridiculous. I don't care if you racked up $1000 doing "stuff" (my fine was $35, by the way). Oh, and the one about your birthday where you used a different word or phrase for every part of your birthday and it made these super crazy statements, like "I knocked out a ninja at the post office because my husband is a CPA." The funniest one I read was a guy who, I'm assuming was irritated by all the women's posts, used pretty much every part of that message and wrote out this long post that made no sense at all, but it was hilarious!!! Thanks Michael B. for the laugh...because I pretty much thought everyone Else's was just silly (No offense, people. Ok...maybe a little). But I do know they were all done in I'll let 'em slide.
Next on the facebook pet peeve list is the status updates that tell pretty much what you've done all day long or what your plans are. The ones that really get me go something like this, "this morning I woke up and worked out for 2 hours, then ran 20 miles, cleaned the entire house, washed the car, got all showered and ready, made an amazingly healthy breakfast for the family and it's only 6am! Time to wake the kids..." Please...those post will be subject of another blog post one day. Wait for it. And I swear, 90% of the status updates I read say something about "Going for a run," or "Just got home from the gym! Great workout!". Oh...what about the ones that say, "I love my kids!" I laugh at those because you know that was written at a moment when they were trying really hard to not kill their kids. They were just trying to reassure themselves and convince everyone else. Guess what...we know you love your kids, but tell us how you really feel. One thing someone said to me about my posts is that I always write what everyone else is thinking, but afraid to say out loud. Reality check, people. Life isn't perfect, and everyone knows it.
Lastly...Inappropriate pictures. COME ON!! This is a family show people!! You go through their albums and the first one is labeled, "My Angels" and it's sweet pictures of their kids and animals, then the very next album is labeled "PAR-TAY" and it's nothing but pictures of them at a bar or in some one's backyard, wasted and touching each other inappropriately. I've actually "un-friended" people because of this. Um...yeah. True story. I don't me prude, but ICK! Grow up! Go to church! Do something besides post stupid pictures of yourself.

Whew! Ok...I'm done with my rant. Off to update my status...and check my fish...

1 comment:

Sharon Mizner said...

Well I too appreciated your "tell it like it is" style, because that is what I do. That also seems to be what gets me into trouble sometime when others don't know how to take me - or don't know how to accept their own reality! Anyway I love your posts. Oh, and I love my wonderful darling children. The COMPLETE me !!!