Today, I am on a mission. A mission to get the word out to James, from Big Time Rush, that Ella would like him to come to school on Friday so she can share him for the letter 'J'. ((Some of you may have read this on facebook, but I'm telling you again. Skip ahead if you must...)) The other day, we had this brief conversation:
Ella: "Mom, do you follow James on Twitter?"
Me: "Yes. Why?"
Ella: "Because I need you to twit him and tell him that I need him to come to school on Friday so I can share him for the letter 'J'. And I need the REAL person. Not just a picture."
Me: "Oh, ok, but I don't see that happening."
Ella: *tears* "But mom! I need to share him!"
After that, who wouldn't make it their mission in life to see this woman little girl's dream come true. I mean, really. I couldn't let it go. So....I went to Twitter and have "twitted" (Ella's word, not mine, but it's cute, so I went with it) him several times, telling him the conversation and posting adorable pictures of her like this:
((With James. Yummy.))
And I posted on Facebook, too. Then I did a search on how to get in touch with your favorite celebrity. And I got answers (thank you eHow!). I had to get a account, and luckily they have a 14 day free trial, so I got what I was looking for and canceled it. Muahahahahaha!!! I was able to get all the names, emails and phone numbers of his agents, publicists, manager. Then I composed this email:
"Hi there. This is going to sound ridiculously ridiculous, but I have to give it a shot. My 5 year old daughter, Ella, is a huge Big Time Rush (especially James), fan and she has a request….
Ella: "Mom, do follow James on Twitter?"
Me. "Yes, why?"
Ella: "I NEED you to twit him and tell him that I need him to come to school on Friday so I can share him for the letter 'J'. And I need the real person, not just a picture."
Me: "Um, well, I can tweet him, but I don't see it happening…"
Ella: **tears**, "But mom!! I need him to come so I can share him!!!"
Not that the child get everything she wants, but how awesome would that be for her?!?!? HUH?!?!
She isn't sick or disabled. She's perfectly perfect. Nor am I sick (well, maybe a little in the head), I'm just a mom that would love to make a little girl's dream come true.
Now tell me what I need to do to make this happen...or should I just start searching for a super life-like cardboard cutout for her take to class?
Also, I don't think it's this week so we have time to work on this.
Thanks in advance for any info you can share!
Kimberly Dodson
Candidate for "Craziest Mother of the Year" Award….currently in 1st place, thank you very much!! And this email may just seal the deal!"
Then I proceeded to email it to every person on that list. I know...I'm a freak-a-zoid. But I did it...AND POUR ME A SHOT AND GIVE ME A XANAX!!! I got a response!! Holla!! Read on....
"Love it, Kimberly!!! you and Ella are adorable!
Don't want to get your hopes up, however, just for fun, What town is this?
Sent from my iPad"
I'm not even shittin' you right now (sorry for the language, but that's the first think I thought when I saw the response). I mean, I don't want to get my hopes up or anything ('cause the guy told me not to, but I'm not gonna lie...they may be up just a tad.), Holy Hello Kitty!!! Can you even imagine?!?!? Let's imagine that for a second.....Picture her face...
And my face...
(( arm looks so fat!!!))
And, I'd probably pee my pants a little, because that seems to be a problem for me, as of late. Anyhoo...I responded by telling him we were in Tulare, CA, 3 hours from LA, blah blah blah and to read my blog...of course, must push the blog. (He said we were adorable...wait until he sees the above picture.)
Then someone on Facebook, thank you Tambra, told me to send it to I got a link to Ella's youtube video singing one of BTR's songs and submitted it with the above story. Ok, wait, let us again take a moment to think about what it would be like if that happened. OMG...this is my Ella's chance to become a star!! Ohmigosh! What are we going to wear?!?! I need to go shopping...and not just at Target this time. I might have to actually go a block further, to the outlet mall. I'm sure I can find something at the Dress Barn.
I think my next step will be to post it again on Facebook and do the whole "Like and Share" thing. I want to see how many I can get and try to go viral. But I think my biggest hurdle is going to be that Ella is a healthy and happy child and we're financially stable. Right? I mean, of course I feel so blessed by all these things, but doesn't it seem for anything exciting to happen to you, you have to have some sort of hardship? Be sick? Be poor? Be Democrat? ((Admit was funny. Oh, don't be a hater!)) Don't get me wrong, they certainly deserve it, I'm just sayin' it would be nice for a regular kid to be noticed for just being a good and cute kid.
That being said, it has become my mission in life to get James to our little country school in Central CA, to make this happy, healthy, pretty, fortunate woman's little girl's dream come true. So if you see it on Facebook..."like" and "share", k?
P.S. I have two other healthy, happy, beautiful girls that would pee their pants if James (or any of the band) showed up at school.
**Not sure what's going on with the fonts on this entry and it's really bugging me. Sorry.**
And also, I think my next entry will be about why all my girls deserve a visit from their favorite band.
**I asked Ella what she would do if James actually came to her class, she said, "I would be calm and use my presentation voice." Well, ok, then.**
Today Ella informed that if he couldn't make it for 'J', she could share him for 'L', because she "LLLLOOOOOVVVES" him. God help me. me a favor. See those boxes below that say 'FUNNY' 'INTERESTING' 'COOL'? Check one of them. OR better yet, leave a comment. And SHARE SHARE SHARE. PLEASE!!!!!! Thank you!!