Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Project Bring James to Kindergarten Continues

Yea...I'm still on it. It's going to happen. It might not actually happen while Ella's in Kindergarten, but it will happen. Like I said, I have made it my mission. And then, I saw this and my passion was renewed:

So...Here we go again!!
This time, I will write a letter directly to James. Think he'll read it?

Dear James,

My sweet daughter, Ella, is in love with you (actually Ella, Mia, Gracie and I all love you. BTR is our FAVE! All of you! Tim {daddy} even knows your songs!). One day she told me to 'twit' you and tell you that she NEEDED you to come to school on Friday so she could share you for the letter 'J'. I laughed at first, then I thought...why not?!?! What's it going to hurt to start a little campaign to get you here, to our little farm town and our little country school? Nothing. It hurts nothing. Might make me look like a HUGE fool, but who cares!! I'm determined to do this for her. I want her dream to come true. 

The other day we drove by a legendary house here in town and Ella said, "Oh...I'm going to live in that house with my husband, James." And as I type this, she's currently talking into the mirror and I heard your name again. She loves you so much. It's so funny. I mean...she's five. This is no joke...she's in love! (Hum...I wonder why?)

I started a campaign on Facebook, with a picture of you and Ella from our meet & greet in Paso Robles along with a short story of what I was doing. After a few days, a bunch of likes, and a few shares, I decided to step it up a notch. I blogged and I started emailing. I got a couple discouraging emails (one said "thanks for the offer, he can't make it, but feel free to send your fan mail to me and I'll get it to James." Who is this chick anyway?), then I started to re-think my decision to pursue this. Another email said that for a mere $12,500 it might be possible. And one guy on Twitter, who you may know, @funnymatt, basically told me to get a life. I believe "good luck with that" were his exact words.

Now I know what you're thinking...this chick is cray!!! Um, yeah. I am. Cray...and determined!

But I don't care what you think of me...I only care what Ella thinks of me...and if I can make this happen, I think I'll be her hero...or probably you will. Either way, WIN WIN!!

James, will you come to Kindergarten for Ella? I mean, really...how can you say no to those eyes?


One crazy, determined mother, who may or may not love you as much as Ella does. And who won't stop until YOU tell me NO yourself.

P.S. It would be more than OK if you brought Kendall, Carlos and Logan, too. Mia wants me to start "Project Bring Kendall to 5th Grade" and Gracie wants me to pursue a "Project Bring Any or All Of Them to High School". One project at a time, girls. 

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