Monday, April 11, 2011

HaPpY mOnDaY?

Mia's teacher is going to fire me. I'm suppose to work in her class on Monday's, but it seems something ALWAYS comes up. Today Gracie left her backpack in Tim's car and he took it to work with Hanford...30 minutes away. So, instead of working in Mia's class, I had to drive to Hanford, without giving the teacher any notice at all. Oh well...stuff happens. Go ahead and fire me. I'd be sad, but I'd recover.

Before I left for Hanford, I had to drop Ella off at the inlaws. And she CRIED. Really? She never cries. In fact, she wants to LIVE there. What-eva, Stinker!

So, then I'm on the highway and suddenly I get these horrible cramps. You know...the kind where you break out in a cold sweat and you think you're either going to pass out or die, and you're hoping for the latter? I got lucky when there was a gas station nearby. Oh, and of course, there were 6-8 old farmer dudes sitting there having their morning coffee, so as I ran, all eyes were on me. Fab. Yeah, dudes, this pretty little girl (yes, I just refered to MYSELF as pretty and little) just stopped here because I was about to poo in my britches*. Good news, though. I made it, and I lived. But before I left the bathroom, I had to decide weather I wanted to just make a run for it, or buy something, to make my stop look legit. So, I got this NASTY, (wait, it deserves two nasty's)...I got this NASTY NASTY breakfast burrito. Total waste of $1.99. And to top it off, I didn't have any cash so I had to use my debit card! I made it there and back with no more incidents. When I got back to the school, I realized I didn't have Gracie's binder. Ugh...but when I tell her, she says, "'s in my locker...along with all my books." ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME?!?!?!?! I had to turn and walk out or I was going to do something the teacher would definately have to report and I didn't really want to put her in that position.

So, how's your Monday going?

*Sorry if my post offends you, but DON'T even try to tell me this hasn't happened to you. If you're human and have bowels, it's happened. Don't be ashamed. It happens to everyone.


Unknown said...

I just can't believe you got a breakfast burrito of all things after that you have a death wish?!?!

timsheadache said...

No death wish...just a little hormonal, maybe?