Thursday, February 2, 2012

But, Wait...There's More....

Just when you thought you've had all the Vault Denim you could handle, I'm back with more...

Yesterday I talked about the jeans themselves.'s business time*.

*I have to share this video with you, even though it has nothing to do with jeans, but the phrase "it's business time" reminded me of this and it's one of my favorites....

Moving on....

Did you know that Vault Denim has business opportunities available? Of course you did, because I told you that I'm doing it. Der. But I didn't explain much about it....because I don't want to seem pushy, but it seems the only way to get ahead in business is to be pushy, so...get out of my freakin' way!! Vault Denim and I are coming through! WAIT!! Actually, I don't want you to get out of the way, because I want you to scratch that. STAY PUT AND SHUT IT. JUST LISTEN....please.

When I started doing this, I just wanted to make a little money. A little extra cash so I could go to Target without Tim questioning my every move. When I went to my first party (I've mentioned this in previous can go there if you want to read's the link: I Wear Jeans! You Wear Jeans! We All Wear Jeans! ), my sponsor (no, not like an AA sponsor....I'm not in need of that kind of sponsor, just yet, but so far I only have one teenager...ask me again in few of years), Lisa, told me how easy it was. Just sign up with one time low fee, pick up the jeans from the RC, sell them, and take them back. Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy! And it really is, if you can find people to sell to... are my (drum roll please....)

Top Ten Reasons To Become a Vault Fashion Consultant

10. Low Enrollment Fee!
Only $159
9. No Inventory Investment!
The company supplies all the jeans. You just sell them...and buy them for yourself. Which is something I do a little too much of....
8. You Don't Have to Store the Inventory.
RC's in you area keep the inventory at their home and you check it in and out as you use it. I'm an RC and it's a lot of work. VFC's have it easy!
7. No Monthly Quotas to Meet
They do have incentives, but you don't have to meet anything. I mean I would suggest you try to sell something, but it's up to you....They're not going to kick you out if you're only doing one party a month.
6. Lucrative Compensation Plan
Earn at least 18% commission on your sales. I know. To all you other home party people, you're thinking that's not much, but um, hello...we have very little investment. You have to invest in your "kits" and build up your sample stuff. We don't. HA. Oh, except you do need jeans to wear to parties, oh darn. And did you note the "at least" part. There is potential to make more than 18%. 
5. No Experience Necessary!
The jeans sell themselves and the more you sell, the more you learn. Especially when you're like me and buy one of every brand/style. 
4. No Ordering or Delivering
120 pairs of jeans at an event to try on and take home that night. However, this statement is a little misleading. Ordering is (will) be available online at parties, but the product will be shipped to the customer. Still no delivering. And that just opens the door to more opportunities, because in addition to the 120 pairs you can actually see and try on, you'll have access to the online store. Whoop! Whoop! Holler!
3. No Out of Pocket Expense
Meaning you don't have to take cash or checks made out to you then turn around and put all the orders on your credit card. Which is prefect for me, because I like money, and I would probably charge it all to my credit card then cash the checks and spend all the cash and then we'd be stuck with this huge credit card bill and nothing to show for it. We accept cash (duh!), checks and credit cards, but it's all run through Vault. You simply collect, then deposit into Vault's account. 
2. Integrity and Ethics that Start at the Top!
Ok...the owners and investors in the company are truly great people. And I think they're all related...which is a little weird. I'm kidding! I think it's awesome! I'm actually a little jealous. I mean, I am part of their Vault family....but I'd sorta like to be mentioned in a couple of their wills. 
(Enter LMFAO's super over played "sexy and I know it" tune...)
Putting yourself and other women in the right pair of jeans gives you confidence and there is nothing wrong with a little confidence. So yeah...we are sexy and we KNOW IT!! And we've even got a little passion in our pants and we're not afraid to show it...(I really hope you've heard this song before or this just sounds insane to you!)

But in all seriousness. There is so much potential here. I can feel it in my jeans. But it requires work. Like any job, you have to work hard, but here's the kicker...this is FUN!! Every day I enthusiastically jump out of bed and into my jeans (Ok! I admit it...I totally lied right there, because I would much rather stay curled up in my bed in my pj's.) and dance through the house singing "Sexy and I Know It". I can be myself because I'm conformable and in my element. And really, how many jobs out there allow that? Not many....

If you're interested in the business of Vault, or know someone who is, give me a call. I'd love to talk to you/them about it. I also have a DVD that explains it really well that I would love to share with you. (I know. I know. Pushy pushy.'s what I do. And better jeans and a business that can make you money than a used car, right? Or worse yet, used jeans.)

Now if you'll excuse me...the sinus medication I took a little bit ago has kicked in and I'm nodding off at the computer. Until next time, my friends. 

P.S. Book mark my blog so I don't have post on Facebook every time I post a new one. I'm going to try to be more consistent. And no...not all my posts from here on out will be about Vault. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Vault Denim...Holler!

Ok, here we go...I haven't talked much about Vault Denim in my blog, so today, you're in for it...

When I joined Vault, in March of 2011, I thought it was going to be an easy sell. I mean, what woman doesn't like jeans? Boy, I was sadly mistaken. It's so bizarre to me, too. Nearly every single woman on the face of the earth owns at least ONE pair of jeans. And most women LOVE them. Many of those women wear them on a daily me! These same women also HATE shopping for jeans because it's often hard to find the right pair. "The waist is too big!" "The waist is too small." "The legs are too tight." "The pockets are too far apart." "They're too long." "They're too short." They're too blingy." "I want more bling...." I could go on...

And here, I thought, "Man, I can really help these women. I will bring 120+ pairs of jeans, to them, in the comfort of their own home (or office, salon, school, street corner), surrounded by their friends, everyone will find the perfect pair of jeans and we will all live happily ever after! Win! Win!" But that didn't happen. It did happen a couple of times, but for the most's been a struggle. And I can't figure it out....are women that picky? So picky that you can't find one pair of jeans you like out of the 120+ I brought for you? One Hundred and Twenty. All different, too.

So many times we find a brand that "works for us" and want to stick to it and most times turn our noses up at anything else. Silly really, because there are so many different brands and styles to choose from. I'm giving you the opportunity to try them.

Let me explain how Vault works...

I have 3 huge bags full of jeans that I pack and bring to your house (or wherever you want) and I set them all out, in stacks, by size, from 0-24. Yes. TWENTY FOUR. Do you know that what means? There is literally something for everyone. There are usually 10-12 pair of each size, too. These jeans are usually the bling/stitch jeans that everyone is wearing, but I realize that they're not for everyone. So....

We also have premium, designer jeans. AUTHENTIC DESIGNER JEANS. NAME BRANDS. NO KNOCK OFFS. NO SECONDS...If you're into that sort of thing. I'm not so much, but I do like that the premiums tend to be a little more plain than the other ones. We carry sizes 24-36ish on those bad boys. The price range on all of the jeans is from $48-$92 + tax.

Now, people. This is a legit business. Vault has agreements with many of the major brands out there (can't name names because of that agreement, though). After the season is over, we are allowed to come in and buy the overstock at a very reasonable price and sell them to you for much less than the department stores and boutiques. Those jeans you saw at Nordstroms for $200, we probably have for $92 or less...

I'm not going to lie, to ya. Our blingy jeans, like the LA Idol, might be a little more than you find at the local cheesy mall store. That's because they go down to LA and buy a few and sell them for next to nothing to get you into the store to buy other things. And that's ok, but we don't have other things. Jeans. That's it. Lots and lots of jeans. So, instead of spending money on cheap clothes, you spend it on a nice pair of quality jeans.

Vault Denim is also working hard and designing their own lines of jeans. "House brands" they call them. We've had some of them in our inventory for a while now and they are some of the best sellers. They're price point is comparable to the others, but are better quality, made from a nicer denim and are made to fit a woman. Their current premium line, Emerson Edwards, is amazing (she said in a high pitched opera singing voice). I just counted in my closet and I have 7 pair of them. Yes...7. And I love every single one of them. They also make them for men. Tim has a pair and can I just say, his butt looks H-O-T in 'em. Oh, and skinny...oh, and COLORS...a rainbow of skinny Emerson Edwards. OMGee...they are soooo cute. I have an electric blue pair. I'm going to wear them on Saturday and I can't hardly wait!!! Can you say, "Sass-a-licious"?!?!?!

(Me, sans makeup, with my new colored Emerson Edwards. Jealous much?)

We also have little girls, that Mia loves and looks adorable in...and boys and babies, too. And did I mention we have maternity?'s all coming. Some of it's here, some of it's coming and some of it will only be online, but it's all amazing. And it's all only through Vault.

The short time I've been in this business, I've learned a few things about women...

1. Women are obsessed with numbers. "Oh Em Gee...these run so small! I'm normally a 1 but these are a 3! Gasp!" Silly really, since no one sees the tag...on the inside...while you're wearing them. Honestly? Who gives a rat's ass?!?!?! If I had a dime for every time someone told me I was skinny then were shocked to hear what size jeans I wore, I'd be a rich woman. Not that I go around blurting out what size I wear, but sometimes at parties it comes up. But, it's all an illusion, people. Who cares about the's the fit and feel, for crying out loud!!! So, if you come looking for a size 3, but really need a 5 or 7, don't be discouraged. It's not's the jeans.

2. Women are delusional about what size they actually are. I often hear, "I wear a 27..." and I look at them and think, "I wear a 29 and I'm pretty sure you couldn't fit your big toe in my jeans right now..." I swear sometimes they just say that to hear themselves talk. The other day, in Vegas, at the convention, (where we were all Vault Denim reps, and should know what size we wear), I was buying a pair of pairs of jeans (yes, all Emerson Edwards, so what?), and the girl writing me up mentioned what size I was buying. A girl in the line behind me said, "What? You're tiny! I can't believe you wear a 29! I wear a 27." As if 29 is huge or something and really...if this girl was a size 27, Rosie O'Donnell is a heterosexual conservative.

3. If I hear, "I just need to lose some weight first", one more time....UGH!! Holy shitaki mushrooms!! Get over it!! Seriously. We all want to lose weight. Always. We'll never be satisfied. It's the nature of the beast. Again, I'm going to be honest with're not going to lose that weight. You're totally sitting at the computer right now, reading this, eating a brownie, or cookie, or drinking a Pespi. Let's face it. It's. Not. Going. To. Happen. So, why not look and feel good now? Who doesn't feel good when they look good, no matter their size? If you feel frumpy, you're going to look frumpy. Get yourself a pair of cute, sassy jeans that fit you perfect now and reward yourself with a new pair when and if you finally do lose that weight! (Said the salesperson...)

4. Women are snobs. I swear. Some think I'm selling junk from my trunk that I bought off some guy off a street corner in New London (that's a funky little town near by....). Well, I didn't. Would I be charging you sales tax if I was trying to peddle stolen goods? (That would be really stupid...I think...but I've never bought or sold stolen goods, so I'm not real sure of the rules...besides not selling stolen goods to begin with.) I'm also not an outlet store, so I don't have all the seconds that get sent away because they weren't good enough to be sold in the "real" store. Don't judge what I do until you see it for yourself.

5. For some, it's all about the name. I'll be honest (there is a lot of honesty in this blog today. Honesty and swearing.)...before I started this, I never looked at brands and I never knew (or cared about) brands. I shopped at Target. But now that I do, I tend to notice them more...however, I still don't care. Actually, I look at these women walking around in their fancy, name brand jeans and think..."hum...I wonder how much she paid for those? Probably twice as much as I sell them for. Poor little misguided jean snob."

6. For others, well, they're just plain cheap! Not Because if they were frugal, they'd buy their jeans from me. Frugal is smart. Cheap is stupid. Some women I know just refuse to pay $50 for a pair of good jeans,  so, they go to Target and buy some for $30 (note that's only $20 less) that fit weird and fall apart. I know this to be true, because I had a pair from Target. A pair that I actually LOVED, but one day, I bent over and they ripped...right up the crotch. The material was already thin and it didn't take long for me to wear it out and RRRRIIIIPPPPPPP!!!! I thank the good Lord I was home when it happened, and that I was wearing good underwear. {{Please note I mean no ill will towards Target. I love that place. It's my second home and sometimes I think I single handedly keep them in business, buying everything there, with the exception of my jeans.}}

So, the point of today's blog is this:

I'm not asking anyone to give me a kidney. I'm not even asking you to buy anything...I'm asking you to give it a chance. And if you're not interested, maybe you know someone who is. I really want to make this work. I want this to be my job. I want to be a denim expert. I want to own 50+ pairs of jeans and love every one of them and I want everyone else to love them, matter their size. Vault Denim can do that for all of us. Just give them a chance.