Thursday, April 7, 2011

Garlic...the Wonder Drug?

Am I boring you, or what? Seems my blog views are going down and it's really hurting my feelings. Whatever. But, since it seems my daily antics aren't enough for you, I thought maybe I'd give you a little useful information. Here it goes....

At the old house we had a bit of a flea problem. I KNOW!! So gross, but don't judge just yet. If you read up on it, it has nothing to do with cleanliness. When spring sprung, so did the flea eggs and those little buggers LOVE Gracie. Apparently, they think she's sweet. Obviously, they've never dealt with her in the morning! one point she was getting bit so bad that her legs were covered in bites and it was gross...and she was miserable. I kept telling her to just hang in there. As soon as they got to know the real Gracie they would pack up and leave, but apparently they loved her unconditionally.

We tried treating the dogs. We tried treating the yard. We tried treating the house. We even tried a flea collar on Gracie for a bit, but those things are such a joke. So I finally asked the doctor about it. She suggest Gracie take garlic pills. Apparently biting bugs don't like garlic. Hum...

So we tried it, and would you believe that within just a couple of days the bites stopped. Now if she gets a bite, we just start the garlic for a week or so, and BAM! They stop. Then I got to thinking...if it works on fleas, and, it's rumored, vampires, what about humans? So I started taking them myself and low and behold, all those late night, annoying bites I was getting from Tim stopped immediately!! Garlic is the wonder drug.

I'm currently experimenting with the dogs by sprinkling garlic powder in their food. I'll let you if it works.

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