Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Little Random Sunday

Seriously, my kids are funnier than your kids. All three of my girls are pretty stinkin' funny, but Ella...oh my stars and garters* that kid is funny!!

The other day she was in the car with my mother-in-law and they pulled up next to a driver that was wearing, what I think is called a turban, (please excuse me if I'm being politically incorrect). Anyhoo...Ella looked over, saw him and said,
"Look, Grandma! There's a genie driving that car!"

I could probably write a book about all the funny stuff that little turd says. Stay tuned for a link to youtube where you can watch all the amazingly hilarious videos of my girls.

Today my liittle precious has a horrible cough. Probably because my mother-in-law let her play in the water the other day. (Just kidding, Lena!) But, she was coughing all night and a lot today. I gave her some "honey elixir" and it seems to have worked, because she's sleepin' like a baby now. Ok! Ok! So we added a little wiskey to it. Just like my mama use to make! Aw heck...I'm just kidding. She's not sleeping....AND we didn't add any wiskey. Calm down...geez.

Happy Sunday!!

*"Oh, my stars and garters" is something my mom use to say all the time and I rediscovered it recently. I've since decided to say it all the time. Thanks, Mom!

P.S. Could you please comment, or at the very least check a stinkin' box, on my posts so I can feel the love. PLEASE?!?!?! Oh, and don't forget to share me with your friends. Thanks, loves.


Heather T said...

Loving the stars and garters quote.

Adrianna said...

Not sure if your mom stole it but "Oh my stars and garters" is what the X-men comic book character Beast used to say... again useless information I know.

Adrianna said...

Or if Beast stole it from your mom, I was supposed to ad that to the first sentence! lol