Monday, April 4, 2011

"GASP! Do I Have to Stay Overnight, Doctor?"

If you're a mom, don't even try to tell me that you don't just want a quiet night away, because if you did, then I'd call you a LI-AR!! A night, alone, doing absolutely nothing, except laying in bed, watching TV and having people taking care of you and have only your best interest at heart. OMG...just admit it!!

I was just watching an episode of "Good Luck Charlie" on the Disney Channel (yeah, the kids were there, too, but I would watch it alone. It's funny! Don't judge me.) and the mom came home from work and everyone just bombarded her. She was about to lose it so she picked up little Charlie (the only one who "wasn't annoying" her) and took her to the other room to play. Charlie accidently poked her in the eye and she went to the ER, where she blackmailed the doctor into keeping her over night. Bawahahahahaha!!!! That woman is my hero!!

I always "enjoy" my hospital stays because I know the second I get home all hell will break loose. I've dreamed of opening a resort called "The Hospital", just for mom's. The care and relaxation of the hospital, but without all the annoying bells, scary code blues, and bad hospital food. And maybe, with the right licensing, we could throw in an IV full of the good stuff (for a fee, of course). Think about it...Sounds amazing, right? I know you're totally planning your trip as we speak. Don't lie. It's not becoming.


Kimberly said...

OMG... totally. I was actually excited when I went into labor with Ava just so I could have some time to myself. Considering getting pregnant again just to have some hospital time :) Kidding...

Unknown said...

Sign me up!! I will take an adjustable bed and an iv full of frozen strawberry goodness!

Heather T. said...

I even enjoy (secretly love) the hospital food, it tastes so good for the simple fact that I didn't have to cook it and I can eat it without listening to any noise. Heaven! Probably why I have so many kids.

timsheadache said...

Kimberly: I'm trying to figure out another way. I'm working on some sort of surgery that will allow me to stay the night at the Fresno Surgery Center. Have you seen that place? Amamzing.
Katy: I'll get you on my waiting list.
Heather, you weirdo. Just kidding...I secretly like it, too. Especially the hamburgers. :) Yum.