Wednesday, April 6, 2011's so Quiet. Just Let Me Enjoy it.

If you're like me, since being a mother, I've lost my ability to interact with other adults. Over the years, it has been my experience that most grown women don't appreciate being talked to like a 2 year old. Word of advice: Don't tell a friend to make sure to wipe good when they're headed to the bathroom. ASSUME they are capable of doing it themselves. It makes for a very akward moment. And licking your finger to take something off a friends face can also be a bit akward. And they don't like to be told to chew with their mouth closed, either. I'm just sayin'...

I'm also very disturbed by the fact that when I get a chance to watch TV for myself, when I'm looking through the guide, I get excited when I see Spongebob or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is on. Then I realize, um, hello!! HGTV!! At least I usually stop before I hit select. As we speak, I'm home alone and when I turned on the TV, Dora was on. I sat there and watched it for 10 minutes before I realized I could change it. I was completely engrossed in Dora the Explorer. Heaven help me!!

{{Side Note: Have you ever watched some of those kids shows. They are whacked!! Keep a look out for my 'review' of some of them.}}

Right now I should be at Hazel's, having coffee with my friends (aka Hazel's Hotties), but I opted to stay home because Ella is with Grandma, and I'm home...ALONE. I won't have an audience when I take my shower (yeah, I haven't showered yet. Jealous much?). I can use the bathroom without someone banging on the door until I come out. I can write this blog in 1/2 the time I usually do, because I don't have to get up 18 times to do something for someone. A-MAZ-ING.

Oh good gracious. Please don't get all high and mighty on me and say, "You know you're going to miss this when your kids are grown and gone...". Blah blah blah. Give me a break. If you're kids are grown, don't even try to tell me you don't enjoy the quiet. I LOVE babies. And I LOVE my kids. But time alone is nice. I know my parents love me and my kids, too, but I also know after a visit from us, they're exhausted when we leave. Yeah, I might miss these crazy days when they're all grown and gone, but right now, just let me moan and groan about it.

*This is no joke...I was just flipping through the guide on the TV and when I saw Tom and Jerry (one of Ella's faves) was on, I stopped and started to select it. Ugh....I quickly moved on to E! and 15 Unforgettable Hollywood Tragedies.

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