Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Things I Saw This Morning

Today is Wednesday and the day I post a picture of the raccoon. I have a picture I've been waiting to post all week, but then, this morning happened...and I have to tell you about it.

1. As I was taking another picture of the raccoon (because there are MANY), Mia jumped in and said, "Take a picture of me! This is where the money is." She may have a point.

 Then she turned around, stuck out her bum and said, "make sure you get my good side."

{{And no...those aren't some of my jeans.}}

2. On our way to school I saw a woman smoking while driving. Nothing unusual there, you say? Except that she was smoking TWO cigarettes. She had one in each hand. I'm not even kidding. At first I thought the second one was one of those rings that went over two fingers, but then I saw her put it in her mouth. She went from one to another, and back to the first, and then again to the second. It brought new meaning to the term "chain smoking". I couldn't get a picture because I was in front of her on the road, but if I could've, I would've. And you know I would've.

3. Then I saw a woman eating a bowl of cereal...WHILE DRIVING. Milk, the whole she-bang. It was a shallow bowl, too. I can't imagine she made it to work without it sloshing all over her. Maybe she was going to get dressed for work while driving, after she finished her breakfast. Again, no picture, but not because I didn't want to.

4. The Raccoon. I've been waiting all week for this moment! This time it's on it's head, but look at that puppy's face?

Happy Wednesday from me, Mazie and the raccoon!!

1 comment:

Sharon Mizner said...

I think racoon needs a name!