Monday, November 5, 2012

We ARE Blessed

Yesterday, Gracie sang for us in church. I still can't believe she's able to do that. I would DIE. Of course, it might have something to do with the fact that I can't carry a tune in a bucket...but still!! The song she sang is called "Blessings" by Laura Story. Listen to the words. At this point in my life, the lyrics to the song hit home. Here's the link to youtube...please excuse the shotty video as it's hard to hold the camera still while you're sobbing.

Yes, at one point, I started sobbing. There's been a lot of that going on around here lately.

Shortly after Gracie blessed us, we were listening to a speaker and I see something moving out of the corner of my eye. Now, have I mentioned my fear of mice? I wrote about it once. To refresh your memory, click here.
See where this is going? In the corner, along the brick, I see a mouse running up the wall. We were on the other side of the church, but that makes no difference to me. Poor Gracie was sitting next to me. I swear I left a hand print on her leg. From that point on, I have no idea what the speaker was saying...for the record, up until that point, I was really enjoying him. I kept my eyes peeled on that corner and pretty it comes...down the wall. Now, I had on sandals. All I could think was that that stupid nasty little rodent was eventually going to make it over to me and run across the my toes. I had my feet up wrapped around my head and was doing every thing in my power not to squeal like a little girl. I finally ran out and soon after, apparently, that rotten little scoundrel took off across the stage...towards my side of the church. My sobs would soon turn into screams of terror...over a stupid little mouse. That being said...those little suckers are NASTY!! Have you noticed how stretchy and flexible they are? I've got goosebumps just thinking about it....

Anyhoo...I hope you enjoyed Gracie's performance. And while she's not quite X-Factor material just yet, she will be soon and I guarantee she'll be someone you can be proud to say "I knew her when". And while I'm not going to go into detail, I just have to say that all those stupid kids at school that think she's weird: You'll all be sorry when she's selling out arenas and being everything you will never be. (Bitter much, mom?)

Happy Monday!

I just took Gracie to the doctor and we left with 4 prescriptions...throat and ear infection...and she still pulled it off! Can you imagine what it would have been like if she felt good? That's right. She's just that awesome. 


Anonymous said...

Did you know that they have little bladder control, basically pee as they walk. I would take a black light to that church before sitting in their again. Eekkk.
Sandals in November?

Anonymous said...

Gracie did a great job. Her control is improving, she sounds good!

timsheadache said...

Hahaha!! I think I'll pass on the black light. Yes, sandals in November. I live in CA. We have about two weeks of winter...around January or February.

And yes...her control is improving. Thank you!