Friday, April 29, 2011

Favorite Picture of All Time

Ugh...We're on our way to a major meltdown around here so it will be a couple days before I get a chance to sit down and give you a good post. But I had to share this with you...

Here is a picture of my girls, nieces and NEPHEW, from Easter. Note I said nephew, as in the singular form. He's the only boy on my side of the family. Poor guy. He hates it. He wanted me to have a boy so bad when I was pregnant with both Mia and Ella. When I found out Ella was a girl, I called to give him the news and his exact words were, "why did you even bother to call me,".

Poor Grant. They're all giving their "I am Woman, Hear Me Roar" pose, and he's just stuck in the usual. I'm so blowing this up and framing it. Favorite picture of all time.

Oh, and this was taken with the self timer. I love these kids!!

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