Thursday, April 14, 2011

Kids Shows

Ok, as I'm sitting here gagging watching Spongebob, I felt compelled to write this...

Spongebob is just stupid, nasty and should be banned. I think Max and Ruby's parents should be turned in for child abandonment. What are the Bubble Guppies? Are they mermaids or guppies? I can't tell. The writers of Yo Gabba Gabba should be drug tested regularly. The Fresh Beat Band needs a new stylist and Dora and Diego? Is it English or Spanish? Please just pick one.

I was watching Looney Tunes the other day and I'm pretty sure that most serial killers watched this regularly as a child. On Tom and Jerry (one of my all time faves) I must say that I don't entirely blame Tom for wanting to smash Jerry with a skillet or put him in the toaster. I mean Jerry's cute and all, but he's still a mouse.

Have you ever seen Micky Mouse's Clubhouse? Holy cow, that thing is flippin' awesome!! I so want to hang out with him. What about the sexual tension between Handy Manny and Kelly? You could cut it with a knife. Oh, and the tools. Um...hello! They're ALIVE. On Chuggington, the "little engines that could", most of the time, can't. And Jungle Junction, HUM...Animals on wheels? I just don't get it.

Oh, and don't even get me started on the commercials!

**React if you agree, please.**


Unknown said...

Thank you, I always get weird looks when I tell people that my kids are not allowed to watch Sponge Bob. Worst show ever...and Dora....could she yell any louder...ouch indoor voice, child! Horrible.

I do love Phineas and Pherb and the Backyardigans....but that is my limit!

Matt said...

LOL. Spongebob is permanently banned in our house, as is Calliou and Barney. I totally agree with your assessment of serial killers watching Looney Tunes as children.

We tolerate Dora and Diego and because of that both of our kids officially can get paid .50 cents more an hour at the age of 2 & 4 for being bi-lingual, because the only Spanish Jeralyn & I have taught them are chonies & mocos.

We usually stick with Disney and stay away from Nick shows with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and the Tinkerbell movies being our favorites.

Thanks for blogging what most of us parents are thinking but never put to writing.