Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sleeping with the Enemy

Oh my stars and garters!! Last night was our first night "near" the Happiest Place on Earth. (I say "near" because we're down the street and not going into the park until tomorrow. And many can say they actually spent the night AT the Happiest Place on Earth? Not many, I assure you, unless you pay a fortune for some special night in the park or you work there. Ok, sorry. Got a little distracted...)

Moving on...

Last night I had the pleasure of sharing a bed, A FULL SIZE BED, I might add, with 2 of my three children. Of course, it was the two that are still crazed sleepers. The ones that wake up with their head at the end the bed, or end up half on, half off the bed. Or sideways on the bed. That's my favorite. Nothing like waking up with two feet lodged under your ribs and you have to get a crow bar to pry them out...meanwhile the kid is sleeping through the whole thing. Oh...Another fave is talking in their sleep. At one point Ella yelled, "NO! I can't do that and my mom can't either!" I have no clue what she was talking about, but I resent the fact that she assumed I can't do it!!

At first, I thought they wanted to sleep with me because they LOVED me. Now I'm starting to think it's quite the opposite. I think they're out to get me. Well, tonight, they can get Tim. I'm sleeping with the big one.

Anyway...Not the greatest way to start out our trip "near" the Happiest Place on Earth, because I assure you...this morning...I. Am. NOT. Happy.

* I would like to send a special shout out to my friend, Tracy Cristallo, for hookin' us up with a chocolate chip muffin, some plain bagels and, um, hello? BACON!! You. Are. Awesome.

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