Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Proud Mama

So, the 4th was good. We hung around here all day and then watched the fireworks on the beach. Tim got up at 4 o'clock this morning and headed home...and took Gracie with him. She was bored. Oh, she was soooo bored. She was bored to death. Ohmigosh she was so incredibly bored. That's all I've heard for the last few days and I wanted to give you all a little taste of it, too.

But she's happy now. When she left she didn't take anything with her. It's like 107* at home and she has no shorts. She had to hang with G'pa today and he had to take her to get something. He took her to Kmart (Don't judge. It was my idea. They have super cute Selena Gomez and Route 66 stuff!). She got one pair of shorts that don't fit right but will work until Tim gets off work and can take her to her favorite store, Aeropostale. All is now right in Gracie's world. She gets to go shopping, eat at Vejar's (Gag. I just did a baby barf), and to the movies tonight. Note to self: Next time you plan a trip away for 2 weeks, let Gracie bring a friend.

Today I had to take Ella to get her stitches out. Since I'm still not home, I had to either choose the ER or the walk-in clinic. I choose the walk-in. BIG MISTAKE. HUGE. (That was my Pretty Woman impression. I know...uncanny.)

When we went in and went to sit in the only 3 chairs together, one of them had a drop of blood on it. Ohmigosh!! I'm no germ freak, but I suddenly felt the need to shower in hand sanitizer. Anyway...that was the least of my worries. I had to sit in that lovely waiting room, with 2 very restless girls, for nearly TWO HOURS. TWO FLIPPIN' HOURS, PEOPLE!!! OMGee. There was a guy sitting across the room that found my situation rather amusing. This other guy sitting directly across from me, apparently didn't, since after I said, "Oh my gosh! I'm going to have to start drinking early tonight!!" he got up and moved. I think he was in the wrong place. He needed to be at the police station filing a report on his missing sense of humor! I'm sorry, but how can you not laugh when a 4 year old little girl says, "I'm a SEXY BEAST!" Inappropriate? Maybe. Funny? Oh, heck yeah.

We finally got in and it was only a matter of minutes and we were done. The following is a video of the doctor removing the last couple stitches. (Had I had my wits about me when she got them to begin with, I would have video of that. But it's hard to get a picture from the floor.) But, this girl is amazing. No bribing. No sedation. No straps. Just her, being amazing.

Now, that my friends, is one strong little chica. And I'm one proud mama.

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